Advanced English Vocabulary

Advanced English Vocabulary

To communicate effectively and sound clearly, we require both strong grammar and a wide-ranging vocabulary.

Today, we will go through the significance of advanced English vocabulary in our daily conversations.

Having an efficient command of advanced English vocabulary can impart a sense of confidence and self-esteem as it enables us to express complex thoughts and ideas more effectively. It allows us to articulate details and profundity in our expressions and aids in better comprehension of complex texts and concepts.

Furthermore, if one aims to secure a higher position within an organization or pursue studies abroad, a proficient command of advanced vocabulary is indispensable.

Advanced English vocabulary
Advanced English Vocabulary 

Listed below are 20 advanced English vocabulary words that can assist in developing more impactful communication skills:

1. To Plead
Definition: to ask somebody for something in a very strong and serious way (गंभीरतापूर्वक याचना करना)

Example- She pleaded with him not to leave her.

2. To confront
Definition: to come face to face with (someone) ( किसी मुसीबत का या अप्रिय स्थिति का सामना करना या सामना करवाना )

Example- This politician has been confronted by a journalist.

3. Coherent
Definition: logical and strategically (समझने में सरल होना)

Example- I have a coherent strategy.

4. Empathy
Definition: understanding and taking another person’s feelings into account ( अन्‍य व्‍यक्ति की भावनाओं को समझने की क्षमता )

Example- He loves children and has a certain empathy with them.

5. Witty
Definition: funny and clever ( चतुराईभरा और विनोदपूर्ण )

Example- He is a very witty speaker.

6. To fabricate
Definition: to make up something artificial or untrue (मनगढ़ंत बातें करना, झूठी बातें गढ़ना)

Example- The evidence was fabricated.

7. Inhabitant
Definition: a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place ( किसी स्‍थान पर रहने वाला; निवासी )

Example- The local inhabitants protested at the plans for a new highway.

8. To reckon
Definition: to believe, suppose, expect ( अनुमान करना , मानना )

Example- I reckon you are coming with us.

9. To rifle
Definition: to go through in search of something ( किसी वस्‍तु को ढूँढ़ना (प्रायः उसे चुराने की दृष्टि से)

Example- I caught him rifling through the papers on my desk.

10. To back down
Definition: to withdraw from a position ( दावा छोड़ देना, पीछे हट जाना )

Example- I think you are right to demand an apology. Don’t back down now.

11. To call off
Definition: to cancel an event ( रद्द करना )

Example- The game was called off because of bad weather.

12. To pass out
Definition: to become unconscious ( बेहोश होना )

Example- He felt sick and dizzy and then passed out.

13. To turn down
Definition: to refuse ( अस्वीकार कर देना )

Example- He offered her a trip to Australia but she turned him down.

14. To Condemn
Definition: to say very strongly that you think something is bad, usually for moral reasons ( किसी की तीव्र निंदा करना; दोषी या अपराधी ठहराना )

Example- She publicly condemned the deal.

15. Elated
Definition: extremely happy and excited ( अति प्रसन्‍न और उत्तेजित )

Example - We were elated at the news.

16. Versatile
Definition: having many different skills ((व्‍यक्ति) अनेक तरह के काम कर लेने वाला )

Example- She’s so versatile! She can dance, sing, act, and play the guitar!

17. Hushed
Definition:  in a softened tone, quiet and calm ( शांत, खामोश )

Example- We discussed the situation in hushed whispers.

18. Articulate
Definition: good at expressing your ideas clearly ( अपने विचारों को स्‍पष्‍ट रूप से व्‍यक्त करने में कुशल )

Example- He was very articulate about his feelings on the subject.

19. Adorable
Definition: lovely ( बहुत ही आकर्षक )

Example- You were sadorable as a child.

20. Amiable
Definition: friendly and pleasant ( मैत्रीपूर्ण और सौहार्दपूर्ण; मिलनसार )

Example- Everyone knew him as an amiable fellow.

By mastering these advanced vocabulary words, you will enhance your communication skills and excel in your careers like never before.

Happy Learning 😊


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